Earlier this evening I attended my first Zumba class, or as I think of it, Zumb-ah-h-h-h-h! I really enjoyed the workout, and was so happy that I did not collapse or pass out. I have a feeling that I will not be able to walk tomorrow without pain, but I feel great right now. While waiting for the instructor I walked around the gym and as always was tickled to discover some Latin, this time on the label of the exercise balls tucked up against the wall of the Zumba room. The labels read VALEO, Latin for “I am strong, I am able, I CAN.” The root of valeĊ appears in English words like valid, invalid, valence, covalent, prevalent, and countervail, to name a few. It is so nice to know that I can Zumba! For a little more information about the Valeo brand, check here.
I enjoyed the "Zumb-ah-h-h-h-h" humor, and found it interesting that an exercise ball had valeo. Clearly the creator did his research on latin words and mottos and it is nice to see it being used on somthing that is not 1000 years old for a change. "OVER"