
Friday, July 21, 2023

Investing in Manly Gaming for All

Who can possibly say “Latin is dead,” when Latin words continue to fuel entrepreneurship?

This ad showed up on my laptop on 07-19-2023. Virtuix comes from the Latin words vir, virī m. man, hero, husband and virtus, virtūtis f. manliness, virtue, quality of a good man. And The Omni? From Latin omnis, omnis, omne all, every; the form omni means either “to/for every” or “by/with/from every.”  Every move? Every direction? Every action? 

In the text of the ad link, check that Omni Arena already exists, from the Latin harena, harenae f. sand; arena (the place with the sand).

So Latin-loving movers and shakers, get busy and invest in this new gaming enterprise!

One last note: did you catch the Investment Memorandum link at the bottom of the ad link? From the Latin memorandum meaning “a thing to be remembered.”